
Kick start your project with

2 in 1React & Next.Js Admin Template

MaterialPro comes with React as well as Next.Js versions. it has light & dark colors skins, well designed dashboards, applications and pages.
All Live Demos

Collection of live demos included with package

Frontend Pages
About us
Kanban App
Invoice App
Calendar App
Chat App
Contact App
Email App
Note App
User Profile App
eCommerce Shop
eCommerce Checkout
eCommerce List

Increase speed of your development and launch quickly with MaterialPro


Don’t just take our words for it, See what developers like you are saying

Jenny Wilson
Features avaibility

The dashboard template from adminmart has helped me provide a clean and sleek look to my dashboard and made it look exactly the way I wanted it to, mainly without having.

Minshan Cui
Features avaibility

The quality of design is excellent, customizability and flexibility much better than the other products available in the market.I strongly recommend the AdminMart to other.

Eminson Mendoza
Features avaibility

This template is great, UI-rich and up-to-date. Although it is pretty much complete, I suggest to improve a bit of documentation. Thanks & Highly recomended!


Other Amazing Features & Flexibility Provided

6 Theme Colors
We have included 6 pre-defined Theme Colors with Elegant Admin.
75+ Page Templates
Yes, we have 4 demos & 75+ Pages per demo to make it easier.
45+ UI Components
Almost 45+ UI Components being given with MaterialPro Admin Pack.
4+ Frontend Pages
We have added useful frontend pages with MaterialPro Admin
Blogs with MDX
It provides a comprehensive blogging solution using MDX, which uniquely blends Markdown and JSX.
Material Ui
Its been made with Material Ui and full responsive layout.
We have added Google, Github & Credential Provider with NextAuth
This template comes with Firebase implementation.
React Table
Supercharge your tables or build a datagrid from scratch for TS/JS React.
3400+ Font Icons
Lots of Icon Fonts are included here in the package of Elegant Admin.
SWR is a React hook for fetching and caching data efficiently.
i18 React
react-i18 is a powerful internationalization framework for React.
Slick Carousel
The Last React Carousel You will Ever Need!
Easy to Customize
Customization will be easy as we understand your pain.
Lots of Chart Options
You name it and we have it, Yes lots of variations for Charts.
Lots of Table Examples
Data Tables are initial requirement and we added them.
Regular Updates
We are constantly updating our pack with new features.
Detailed Documentation
We have made detailed documentation, so it will easy to use.
Calendar Design
Calendar is available with our package & in nice design.
Dedicated Support
We believe in supreme support is key and we offer that.

Technology Offerings

MaterialPro across a variety of technologies. Simply select to drive in and find the ideal solution tailored to your requirements. Note that each option is sold seprately.

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Build your app with our highly customizable NextJs and ReactJs based Dashboard


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